Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Another Tuesday

    I was unfortunately off work today.  Not that I don't like being home but we are taking a two week trip to San Diego in three weeks and I need to be working!! But anyways, when you have a lemon, make lemonade!! So we did. We started off our day feeding munchkin breakfast and packing for the pool!! Mommy, Daddy and Baby at the pool equals a good time.  Haneilia is getting a little more comfortable with the new found kiddie pool area.  Doing things at her own pace.  Very much like my husband.  She sat on the side of the pool and dangled her feet in the half foot of water then eventually climbed down into the water, made her way across the pool and back out.  We got her this cute little starfish float that she can sit in while we are in the 'big pool' and she has learned to kick her feet while in it.  She got a little braver as the time went by.  She watched our neighbor catch his little one as he jumped off the side of the pool, Dad waiting to catch him.  So I did a version of it for her; sat her on the side of the pool, and said 'jump, jump, jump' while she giggled and I pulled her back into the pool. I eventually did it where she was standing on the edge and I was holding her as she leaned towards me into the water! She loved it! It was fun to see how she got more and more confident as we were there.  I've learned with her that she has to do things in her time.  I have to discern when she is ready to move to the next level per say.  I'm not sure if it's the same with all kids, but she is good at knowing when she is ready to do something and once her mind is made up she is pretty determined and persistent to do what she wants.  She gets that from me and my husband:)
    So we finished out the afternoon with a nap.  Well needed indeed:) Then me and Haneilia shared a bowl of popcorn while we sat on the kitchen floor together baby talking.  I hope that when she's sixteen we can still do the same thing.  Her, me, bowl of popcorn, talking while sitting on the kitchen floor. Then she ate her pasta and sauce for dinner and now has a spaghetti sauce stained face!
   All in all it's been a great day full of lemonade fancies.