Friday, July 1, 2011

Thoughtful Husband presents

Do you ever wonder if your husband is listening to you? I know I do. I know a lot of women who wonder if their husbands are listening to them, if they remember little things that pass in conversation. We actually just talked about this at Wives Club. Are our husbands listening to us, validating our feelings, loving us through listening?
Earlier today William wanted to give me a hint on what he was giving me for my birthday. Of course I asked if I could guess. Nope. Couldn't. The hint was "I got you something that I heard you say that you wanted, but you probably didn't think I was listening." My mind reeled. What have I asked for? I don't feel like I ask for much, except for things like 'can you take out the trash', 'unload the dishwaher', 'it would make me really happy if you picked up your clothes off the floor', 'a pair of toms would be nice'. I didn't put much more thought into it and was excited about being suprised.
My husband is my biggest supporter. He is my own personal cheerleader. I honestly think that he believes in my dreams more than I do.
So when my husband brought out my presents I had no idea what to expect. What was wrapped in the brown trader joe's paper taped with packing tape? When I saw the white box that said iPad on the front, I thought for a brief second "this is a joke". He didn't get me an iPad. We don't have the money for him to be buying me an iPad. This isn't really happening. I have an iPad.
I started crying. Weeping actually. Tears and all. I started asking the questions I mentioned a moment ago. Where did you get the money for this? We don't have money to get an iPad!! He looks at me, not answering but laughing. He tells me that he just had the money. Not the right answer for me. I, being persistent, kept asking, while crying. I was intermentantly saying "this isn't fair, I've never gotten anything like this for you!" This is where I really broke down. Sobbing. Seriously. He finally told me. He said that he believes in me so much and knows how much I've been wanting an iPad so I can do 'my stuff'. He used some money that he made from selling some car stuff (which has seriously become a part time job that he loves). I didn't fully comprehend what he said. He told me that instead of buying this big part he needs for his '68 Cadillac that he decided to get me an iPad. Now, here's where I interject my feelings. I would have to say that since we have gotten married, I've been really cool with the whole lets restore an old car, or three. So, to know that my husband put me and my desires first and before his own wants and desires broke through my little harboured heart somehow. I thought that I was dreaming. I seriously couldn't stop crying. I felt loved, important, significant and more important than the big blue car in the garage.
My husband did listen. And he did something with the information given. He chose to love me and to be selfless. I couldn't hold back the emotion that rose up in my heart. I am more important than all the other stuff. More important than a cadillac, vw rabbit, car parts and super chargers. I am loved. Always.
My husband isn't Jesus. But Jesus was ever so present in the eyes of my husband tonight. My husband is just a mear reflection of who the Lord is. He is always loving, always selfless and loves to love us and make us feel important because we are important to him. And me wanting an iPad was important to Him just as much, if not more than it was to my husband.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Another Tuesday

    I was unfortunately off work today.  Not that I don't like being home but we are taking a two week trip to San Diego in three weeks and I need to be working!! But anyways, when you have a lemon, make lemonade!! So we did. We started off our day feeding munchkin breakfast and packing for the pool!! Mommy, Daddy and Baby at the pool equals a good time.  Haneilia is getting a little more comfortable with the new found kiddie pool area.  Doing things at her own pace.  Very much like my husband.  She sat on the side of the pool and dangled her feet in the half foot of water then eventually climbed down into the water, made her way across the pool and back out.  We got her this cute little starfish float that she can sit in while we are in the 'big pool' and she has learned to kick her feet while in it.  She got a little braver as the time went by.  She watched our neighbor catch his little one as he jumped off the side of the pool, Dad waiting to catch him.  So I did a version of it for her; sat her on the side of the pool, and said 'jump, jump, jump' while she giggled and I pulled her back into the pool. I eventually did it where she was standing on the edge and I was holding her as she leaned towards me into the water! She loved it! It was fun to see how she got more and more confident as we were there.  I've learned with her that she has to do things in her time.  I have to discern when she is ready to move to the next level per say.  I'm not sure if it's the same with all kids, but she is good at knowing when she is ready to do something and once her mind is made up she is pretty determined and persistent to do what she wants.  She gets that from me and my husband:)
    So we finished out the afternoon with a nap.  Well needed indeed:) Then me and Haneilia shared a bowl of popcorn while we sat on the kitchen floor together baby talking.  I hope that when she's sixteen we can still do the same thing.  Her, me, bowl of popcorn, talking while sitting on the kitchen floor. Then she ate her pasta and sauce for dinner and now has a spaghetti sauce stained face!
   All in all it's been a great day full of lemonade fancies.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Sit on your bottom!!

Well my friends, it looks like I officially have a toddler on my hands.  Within the past two weeks, Haneilia has learned to climb onto every piece of furniture we own, excluding our bed.  She is also a full blown little girl as well. Emotions and antics in full swing. But I have to say that this is probably my favorite age.  She is becoming more independent, which can be good and bad. But it's a healthy part of their growth as well. Sigh.
Yesterday evening was a sweet time with her. We were in my bathroom and she got under the cabinet, which i usually don't let her do, but did anyways because I was occupied at the moment (if you catch my drift).  She found a long beaded necklace of mine and came to me to put it on her.  She flitted  around the house for an hour or two wearing it, chewing on it and taking it on and off.  That, along with many other moments, was when I realized my little baby is not a baby, but she is a little girl. Such an important epiphany.  An age where you begin to nuture the femininity in her little heart, ever more so than before.  I use the phrase "Ohhh pretty" all day long.
As girly as she is though, she is still a toddler.  Fearless, to say the least.  Climbing onto the kitchen table chairs.  Getting down and making her way onto everyone around the table, then finally climbing the last one in the set and 'setting on her bottom' after I have told her to over and over.  I probably say this at least twenty times a day.  Oh, how she would love to be able to stand in the chair.  I can only imagine how accomplished she feels after making that climb, only to be told to sit on her bottom.  But mommy always knows best and she listens very well.  All this to say, it's true what people say.  It's when they start walking that things change.  They really do.  But the greatest part of the change is when they run to you with arms up and say "mommy!!" or when they try to literally climb up your legs because they want you to hold them.  It's an independent choice they have made.  "I want my mommy and I'm letting her know".   And that, my friends, is a choice I will always have to trust her to make when she needs to, because I will always be waiting.  Just like someone much bigger than us is doing the same.

I caught a few moments of my little adventure princess in action.  They are super cute and I'm sure you will enjoy them. 
Ohh pretty!

Greeting Daddy at the Door. Love.
Getting up
Sitting on her bottom:)
Getting down

Friday, May 27, 2011

The Family Vacation Planning Woes

   So we are planning this week long trip to San Diego in July.  Fun right?  Nope. We decided to make this trip about three weeks ago.  We are really excited about going, but it would be easier if we had wings on our backs to get us there or our own private jet. Option one would be way cooler. Anyways, I've been on the computer looking for plane tickets for an hour and I'm getting no where.  Who really wants to spend $800 dollars on two round trip tickets when you could do alot of other things with that money?  Like keep it:)
   But family is family and Williams' family happens to live in an amazing city across the US.  Plus, they have never seen Haneilia.  And who wouldn't want there family the opportunity to be able to meet the most amazing kid on the planet?  So we are stuck in between a rock and a hard place.  Do we buy the $800 tickets or do we buy buddy passes from my wonderful brother who works for an airline and take a chance on getting two seats on the plane or being booted onto standby.  Ugh!!!  So we shall see what happens.
Having a kid totally changes the way you travel too.  Needless to say, we have to bring our whole house with us when we go.  I don't think the inlaws have a spare crib, car seat and stroller for that matter.  So we have to load all that with us too when we head west.  It should be pretty interesting.